
Starry Garden welcomes parent and community volunteers.

Before you can volunteer, you need to come into the school and be entered into the State System by Mrs. Rachel and have your background check form printed at Starry Garden.

Once you have completed your background check, you will be contacted by the school to start volunteering.
If you see a need and have a suggestion on how to fill it! LET US KNOW!
Some ways you can help, but are not limited to, are...

  • Classroom Assistant -Shadow a teacher while she/he performs her/his duties and help you while she/he is instructing.

  • Art Assistant- Come in and help with art projects, clean up, set up, plan projects, etc.

  • Library Assistant - assist with book shelve, repair books and label new book.

  • Occasional Volunteer - guest reader/speaker

  • At home curriculum/classroom materials prep

  • Field Trip Chaperone

  • School Committees

  • Fundraisers

  • Other__________________

What to do after I get my background check form from Starry Garden.

Bring the form you received from Starry Garden to the Police Department on main street. You will need to call ahead of time to schedule an appointment. Please call 435-654-3040 to schedule a time. Appointments are during normal business hrs. and are usually on Tuesdays.

We are looking for Subs!

If you know anyone who is interested in working for our school, please let them know about this opportunity.

We have a teacher going on maternity leave soon and want to make sure we are ready or this wonderful event.

Please send us a resume, that includes your available days and time. After we received that we can schedule a time for a quick interview.